Answers to Frequently Asked Plant Questions

Table of Contents
  1. How much should I water my plants?
  2. Should I re-pot my plant?
  3. Can I move my Ficus tree?
  4. What are the light requirements of this plant?
  5. How often should I fertilize my plants?
  6. Should I place my tropical plants outside during the summer?
  7. How should I deal with bugs on my plant?
  8. How do I prune my plant/tree?
  9. How do I trim my plant?
  10. What do I clean my plant leaves with?

How much should I water my plants?

This depends on the environment the plant is in; hot with lots of light or cold and dark or variations of this. You should always check the soil at least 2 inches deep with either you finger or a soil probe to determine if it needs more water. We recommend that you check the soil each week. This is your check and balance to determine if you gave the plant too much water the previous week. If the soil is still "wet" (meaning it sticks to your finger) then do not water the plant. If the soil feels "dry" (meaning the soil is powdery) then water the plant.

This method of check and balance will fine tune the amount of water each of your plants require. If for example you poured one quart of water on a plant last week; this week you check the soil and it is still wet, this tells you that one quart was too much and to decrease the amount the next time you water (when the soil is dry).

The rule of thumb on watering is that the plant will require water in relation to the amount of light it is in. In other words, more light then more water and the reverse less light less water.

In addition, it is important to water evenly around the pot to allow all the roots to be uniformly moistened.

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Should I re-pot my plant?

Again, this depends, as a rule we do not recommend re-potting. The plant will utilize the the water better and be less susceptible to over watering.

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Can I move my Ficus tree?

Yes you can move your Ficus tree. Just be aware of the dynamics of how the Ficus tree deals with changes in the amount of light. If you move the tree from an area of less light to one of more light, the tree will require more water, (refer to FAQ #1), and shouldn't go into shock. If you move the tree from brighter light to less light, the tree will go through a process of acclimation and will drop leaves. This is normal and to be expected. The key is to be diligent in checking of the soil for moisture prior to watering.

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What are the light requirements of this plant?

The broad categories are high, medium and low. High light usually means by a window with full, direct sun on the east or west side of the house for a period of 4 to 6 hours per day. Medium light is bright light, either natural or artificial, for a period 6 to 8 hours per day. Low light levels is artificial and/or natural light sufficient to read by for a period of 4 to 6 hours per day.

Grow lights provide the full spectrum of light produced by the sun, though our studies have shown that either incandescent or fluorescent light provide sufficient colors of the spectrum to sustain tropical plants.

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How often should I fertilize my plants?

We suggest that the plants be fertilized with a water soluble plant food that does not produce salts, such as "Miracle Grow" or "Peter's", no more than once a month.

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Should I place my tropical plants outside during the summer?

We do not recommend this. The plant acclimates to the surrounding light and temperature. This process, depending on the plant, can take from a week to a couple of months, making it very easy to over water the plant.

In addition, by placing the plant outdoors it is exposed to the bugs and parasites that feed off of the tropical plants. These can be difficult to remove from the plant.

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How should I deal with bugs on my tropical plants?

There are a number of compounds available from either your local hardware store or nursery are safe to use indoors. The following are our recommendations:

	Mealy Bug		Liquid Sevin	Mix in water as per instructions.  Spray on plant and
								drench the soil.
	Red Spider		Dormant Oil	Mix in water as per instructions and spray plant thoroughly.
								This could require 2 or 3 treatments.
	Scale			Dormant Oil	Mix in water as per instructions and spray plant thoroughly.
A more thorough discussion on bugs and parasites will be forthcoming.
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How do I prune my plant/tree?

The process of pruning is simply shaping the plant so that as it grows it maintains a shape that is attractive. This can be done during any season without damage to the plant, though depending on how fast the plant is growing can be done every other month.

The process entails using a pruner and snipping the limbs that is determined to be too long just above the leaf a little a time until the desired shape is accomplished.

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How do I trim my plant?

This process generally applies to ivy type plants. The trimming is done to shape the plant and to shorten long gangly vines such that the plant will be fuller on top. Basically, after deciding how you want the vines, you clip the vine just after a leaf. This make for an attractive plant without stubs.

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What do I clean my plant leaves with?

A sponge wet with clean water will clean the leaves. Rub the leaf gently with the sponge, using your free hand to support the underside of the leaf. Repeat the process until all leaves are clean. If a shine is wanted, several sprays are available at your nursery. We have had good success with "Green Glo".

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Revised: January 21, 2007